
Information technology (IT) is the foundation of most businesses in the modern digital era. It serves as the foundation for all corporate operations, including data storage and communication. But as our reliance on IT increases, so does the requirement for IT risk and security management. This is where IT governance, a framework for making sure your IT infrastructure complies with legal requirements, minimizes risks, and matches your business objectives, comes in.

What is IT Governance?

The procedures and framework that a company sets up to manage its IT assets is known as IT governance. It is about making sure that IT investments are in line with applicable rules and regulations, serve business objectives, and are managed well. Good IT governance promotes transparency and accountability, which in turn improves IT decision-making.

Benefits of Strong IT Governance

Let’s discuss some major benefits of robust IT Governance: 

  • Alignment with Business Objectives: IT governance makes sure that IT expenditures complement and are in line with the overarching business plan. This entails giving projects that will benefit the company the most priority.
  • Better Risk Management: IT governance aids in the identification, assessment, and mitigation of IT security governance risk and compliance issues through the establishment of defined policies and procedures. By taking a proactive stance, you protect your company from threats such as cyberattacks and data breaches.
  • Improved Resource Management: By creating budgeting and procurement procedures, efficient IT governance maximizes resource allocation. By doing this, you can make the most of your IT expenditures.
  • Enhanced Compliance: IT governance aids businesses in adhering to industry rules and laws pertaining to data privacy. This lowers the possibility of fines and harm to one's reputation.
  • Better Decision-Making: Well-defined governance frameworks facilitate well-informed choices about IT investments. This guarantees efficient resource allocation and the accomplishment of projects' intended goals.

Best Practices for IT Governance

Here are some best practices for IT governance are mentioned below: 

  • Establish Your Business Objectives: Clearly state the strategic goals of your company and the ways in which IT may help you achieve them. This offers decision-making and investment roadmap for IT.
  • Create a Framework for Governance: Use an organized framework to direct IT governance procedures, such as COBIT or ITIL. These frameworks offer an extensive collection of information and best practices.
  • Sync up IT and Business Strategies: Make sure your IT strategy complements and is directly related to your overarching business objectives. Review and update your IT plan frequently to take changing business requirements into account.
  • Establish Unambiguous Policies and Procedures: Create and put into effect unambiguous policies and procedures for compliance, risk management, and IT security. Review and update these rules frequently to take into account emerging dangers and industry best practices.
  • Promote a Culture of Accountability: Encourage an Accountability Culture by precisely Outlining roles and duties in the IT governance framework. This ensures that everyone knows their role in efficiently managing IT and promotes accountability.
  • Track and Evaluate Performance: Create metrics to monitor how well your IT governance procedures are working. Keep an eye on and assess these indicators frequently to find areas that need work.

Popular IT Governance Frameworks

Here are some of the most widely used IT governance frameworks:

  • COBIT: The Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, or COBIT, is a comprehensive framework whose main goals are to manage risks, assure compliance, and match IT with business objectives.
  • ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library): ITIL is a collection of best practices for IT service management, including problem-solving, incident handling, and service delivery.
  • COSO: The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, or COSO, is a framework for enterprise risk management that offers an all-encompassing method that is applicable to IT governance.


Organizations may guarantee that their IT investments are in line with business objectives, reduce risks, and accomplish their strategic goals by putting into place efficient IT governance procedures. The advantages are evident: better judgment, more efficient use of resources, and increased security.

INTERCERT is one of the top suppliers of IT governance solutions. We provide a full range of services to assist enterprises in establishing and implementing efficient IT governance procedures. Contact us right now to find out more about how we can help your company achieve its IT objectives